What the heck are EMF’s? Electromagnetic Frequencies, which can be a threat to both you and your pet, are an extremely hazardous and potentially lethal menace in our daily environment. EMF is, at its most fundamental level, the electromagnetic interference (EMF) emanating from electronic devices such as Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, computers, cordless phones, microwaves, and fluorescent lamps.
To what extent are our most cherished companion animals being detrimentally impacted by exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs)?
Similar to humans, pets are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from sources such as electrical grids, cellular towers, microwave ovens, televisions, and radios. However, in contrast to human beings, canines are frequently subjected to electric shock collars and underground electrical fences, which not only induce behavioral changes but also compromise their well-being.
We must keep in mind that both the human body and animal bodies are composed of electricity. Everyone possesses heartbeats and brain impulses. Environmental magnetic fields (EMFs) have the potential to disrupt all bodily processes.
“Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.” – Dr. Andrew Weil
Mitigating Your Exposure to EMFs
Avoid using cordless phones; a wired landline phone is preferable.
Utilize phones equipped with speakers or wired headsets.
As much as feasible, disable WiFi, particularly at night. Additionally, you can reduce the strength of your WiFi to reduce destructive effects.
Phones, routers, and computers should be kept as far away as possible from you and your companion.
If your cell phone is not in use, in transit, or while transporting it, place it in airplane mode.
Bluetooth devices, wireless keyboards, and mice should not be used on your computer.
In lieu of fluorescents, install LEDs. Regarding tube lamps, the ballast must be removed!
Replace clock radios with alarms powered by batteries or windings, or relocate them.
Reduce or eliminate your use of the microwave appliance.
Inspect your residence for contaminated electricity.
There are a number of EMF shielding charms, pendants and harmonizers on the market; some are reported as effective; many, however, are not measurable.
There are also inexpensive, consumer friendly meters available to measure the impact of devices in your home or office and the location of these installations. We recommend engaging a proven certified Building Biologist for assistance.
EMFs are present in the environment for dogs as well as for humans, via cellular towers, electrical grids, microwave ovens, televisions, and radios. However, in contrast to human beings, canines are frequently subjected to electric shock collars and underground electrical fences, which not only induce behavioral changes but also compromise their well-being.
At this link, you can independently peruse the National Cancer Institute's stance on electromagnetic fields (EMFs). https://catherinecarrigan.com/emf-exposure-and-cancer-in-dogs/
While a multitude of devices exist to safeguard against electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure for both humans and animals, their effectiveness varies somewhat. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aromaticspirituallife/list/1WWY3PLRZ9L0C?ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ofs_mixed_d
Kindly refrain from utilizing a microwave oven to thaw, defrost, cook, or reheat any food item intended for you or your canines.
Please discontinue using shock collars and electric fences to control your pets.
Define healing. When we establish a link between the well-being of our creatures, loved ones, and families and the health of our environment, healing occurs.